What if a player has a confirmed exposure to the COVID-19 Virus?
The exposed player is required to follow all required self-quarantine timelines based on notification received from the issuing public health authority. Per current CDC guidelines a negative test does not exempt the player from requirements.
What if a Rush player tests positive for the COVID-19 Virus?
The club will work with the Jefferson County Public Health Department and our medical partner to determine all necessary actions. All individuals determined to have been in close contact and therefore “exposed” will be contacted and informed of quarantine requirements.
What if I receive an exposure letter from my school?
Rush asks that any exposure letter immediately be shared with the appropriate DOC.
Seniors: Jeff Carroll – jeffcarroll@coloradorush.com
Youth: Aaron King – aking@coloradorush.com
Boys Academy: Jody Young – jyoung@coloradorush.com
Girls Academy: Russell Finch – rfinch@coloradorush.com
Recreational: Anita O’Conner – anita@titanrushsoccerclub.com
What if a family member I live with is exposed to the virus?
Unless the family member has a confirmed positive case, no further action is required. Please carefully monitor health and possible symptoms.
What if I am not exposed to the Virus, but my school shuts down due to an Positive COVID-19 case?
Unless a player is contacted with a confirmed exposure, no further action is required.
Colorado exposure notification app: https://covid19.colorado.gov/Exposure-notifications
Videos for COVID Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/communication/videos.html?Sort=Date%3A%3Adesc
Colorado Rush
3443 S Galena St, Ste 130
Denver, CO 80231
Phone: (720) 624-9000
“Where the Trails of Passion and Purpose Meet, Begins the Path to Victory"
Monday - Thursday: 9:00a - 3:00p
Friday: 10:00a - 2:00p
Saturday & Sunday: Closed